Top 8 Cheap Foods For Summer
It is easy to overspend on food in the summer. Patio happy hours, backyard barbecues, late-night ice cream runs, and constant eating out while on vacation are just some of the reasons why summer eating can be expensive.
Never fear. There are many ways to survive the summer while sticking to a strict food budget. I have highlighted my eight favorite cheap foods for summer. And trust me: You don’t have to give up a thing to enjoy the best the season has to offer.
Read The Article On Betty Crocker
I am beyond excited to announce that I am a new contributor to! I am joining a diverse and talented team of bloggers and writers, adorably known as Betty Bloggers (how cute is that?!)
Every few weeks, I will be contributing a blog post highlighting ways to save money and eat great food on a budget. I will be posting links to these articles as they come out, and also updating my social media accounts. Please connect with me!
Read the article on 8 Budget-stretching summer food staples
How exciting! I know we tend to eat so much more in the summer. All those ice cream runs add up! I’m looking forward to your posts, Haley!
I’m on a frozen yogurt bar kick recently… which can also add up!
Congratulations — so exciting for you!
Thanks Sara!