Food waste
According to the FDA, between 30 and 40 percent of the food supply in the United States is wasted. That’s an astronomical percentage. And while it saddens me, I can’t help but think that I, personally, waste a lot of food.
If you are concerned about food waste – if you want to cut down on food waste – it’s helpful to have some tips, tricks, and recipes up your sleeve.
Instead of throwing out softening fruits and vegetables, what if you made them into a soup or a dessert?
What about leftover herbs and spices like cilantro or parsley? Will you throw them out, or dry them and turn them into shelf-stable seasonings? (If you’re interested in this, check out the DIY dried herbs and spices post!)
Most would consider watermelon rind to be food waste. But have you ever tried watermelon pickles? These addictive sweet-tangy pickles are made from watermelon rind, and once you try them, you’ll never throw watermelon rind away again!
The creamy paleo vegetable soup recipe makes great use of odds-and-ends of vegetables in your fridge. You can use pretty much any type of vegetable in this soup – potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, onions, peppers, etc.
Want to challenge yourself? Inventory your fridge and freezer, and make a meal that uses up bits of leftover food. I made delicious black bean burgers using only leftover food from my fridge and freezer.
So reducing food waste in your home doesn’t have to be a dreaded task. Check out Cheap Recipe Blog’s ideas and recipes for food waste reduction.