The $10 Food Day #3: 4 recipes (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack) all for less than $10. Repin to save!

Are you convinced yet? Convinced that you can feed your family for less than $10 a day? It’s true and it’s not as hard as you think.

If you’re new to my $10 Food Day series, here’s what you can expect: Four recipes, enough to feed four people, all for less than $10 – for the entire day. Here’s what I paid:

So as you can see, not only are we meeting the $10 challenge – we’re beating it. My hope is that I’m providing you with enough options to come up with a menu that will please your whole family. Browse through past $10 Food Day posts and feel free to mix and match menu items. More options make it easier to stick to a $10 food budget.


The $10 Food Day #3 Menu

I had a lot of fun planning this particular menu. For breakfast, we have a unique and tasty two-ingredient pancake that your kids will love. For lunch, a lovely black bean soup recipe from popular food blogger Michael Natkin’s cookbook, Herbivoracious. For dinner, a huge batch of cheesy polenta with marinara sauce that reminds me of deep dish pizza. And for a snack, a delicious batch of cookies that bring me back to my childhood.

Breakfast: Banana-Egg Pancakes

These banana-egg pancakes cost just $1.15 for four servings. Get the recipe here.

Banana and egg pancakes recipe

Lunch: Black Bean Soup With Orange-Jalapeño Salsa

$2.85 for four servings. Get the recipe here.

Black bean soup recipe with orange jalapeno salsa

Dinner: Pizza-Style Polenta

Polenta that tastes a lot like pizza! Just $3.15 for six to eight servings. You’ll even have leftovers. Get the recipe here.

Pizza-style polenta recipe

Snack: Leftover Pie Crust Cookies

There’s no need to wait until you make pie to make these cookies. Just $1.25 for a large batch. Get the recipe here.

Leftover pie crust cookies recipe

Total Cost Of $10 Food Day #3: $8.40

All four recipes cost just $8.40. As usual, there is a little money left over to supplement the menu with fresh fruits, vegetables or beverages.


If you’re new to Cheap Recipe Blog, you should like my Facebook page to get notifications of upcoming $10 Food Day posts. And take a few minutes to browse through other recipes on my site. Most are under $1 a serving.

And if you like this series, please share it with your friends on pin this post to one of your Pinterest boards. Thanks for stopping by!