DIY Play Dough: Just 60 Cents a Batch!
Have you ever made homemade play dough at home? I have, but we’re talking 20-some years ago. I forgot how fun it can be.
I recently found myself home on a Sunday morning, babysitting a three- and seven-year-old. With no toys in the house, and wanting to avoid resorting to watching cartoons on Netflix, I decided to have the kids help me make a batch of homemade play dough.
We had a blast.
The kids loved measuring the ingredients, mixing the dough, and choosing their colors. They also had fun using cookie cutters to make shapes out of the dough.
All in all, this big batch of homemade play dough cost about 60 cents. And it took less than 10 minutes to make.
The next time you’re looking for a quick and inexpensive DIY project to do with your kids, consider making homemade play dough!
You’re gonna need snacks! Check out these 50 cheap snacks for kids and meal ideas for kids.

DIY Play Dough Recipe
If you want several colors of play dough, divide water equally among several smaller mixing bowls, add food coloring, and then incorporate dry ingredients equally among bowls. Add extra flour if the dough is too sticky.
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- Up to 1 1/2 cups boiling water (adding gradually until it feels just right)
- Food coloring
- Mix flour, vegetable oil, salt, and cream of tartar together in a large bowl. Add food coloring to boiling water.
- If making one color, start adding hot water to the dry ingredients, stirring until combined. If making several colors, divide colored water and dry ingredients in separate bowls and stir until combined.
- Once the dough cools a bit, knead until smooth. Store play dough in airtight containers for up to 6 months.
I bet those children did have fun. They’ll want to come to your house everyday. Can’t wait to share this post on FB. I know a couple of people with kiddos home for the summer. Thanks Haley!
Homemade playdough it’s not only cheaper, it’s also feels better and lasts longer than store-bought in my opinion. My kids prefer homemade and we also love this messy oobleck recipe