Save money on groceries by using what you have

When I go to the grocery store, I usually end up buying more than I intended to. I almost always succumb to some impulse buy, be it a ready-made salad from the deli, some variation of coconut water or a bar of chocolate.

These unnecessary purchases add up. In an effort to minimize what I spend on groceries, I have two solid tricks up my sleeve:

  • Stick to a shopping list: Spend some time planning your grocery list. When you go to the store, stick to your list. If you often fall victim to impulse buys, vow to put one item from your cart back on the shelf.
  • Avoid going to the grocery store if possible: Get creative and make a meal out of ingredients that you already have. This may be a challenge, depending on how well stocked your kitchen is. If you’re stuck, has an ingredient search feature. I was once able to make a mean bananas foster, after entering in bananas and butter. Yum!

Some of my go-to meals that call for pantry staples are: